MSC Software is the Automotive industry’s engineering simulation and analysis partner to drive innovation and speed time-to-market. MSC Software’s integrated simulation solutions in the design and development processes at all major OEMs. & Key suppliers. It Simulates the complete Vehicle Engineering Process. MSC Software’s highly scalable structural analysis solutions enable engineers to simulate components, assemblies and full vehicles.

MSC’s proven technologies help engineers to Tackle complex problems with confidence.

  • It Analyzes structures and their interactions for linear and nonlinear behavior.
  • Perform complete assembly analysis of powertrain and suspension components.
  • Analyze composite structures subjected to static, dynamic and thermal loads Achieve high-fidelity validation:
  • Obtain system loads for accurate stress analysis.
  • Improve accuracy of multibody dynamic studies with modal results from finite element analysis.
  • Conduct co-simulation with multibody dynamics (MBD) and finite element analysis (FEA).
  • Accelerate analysis of large models.

Over 70% of the EVs on the market have been enhanced with the help of Hexagon tools and services over the past 15 years.

MSC Products for Automotive Industry

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